Mel Brooks’ cult classic Star Wars parody is dumb, yes… but Katie argues that it works so well for four main reasons – and she is happy to tell you all about them. So dive in with us and get surrounded by assholes.
Aliens is not only an EPIC 80s action movie it’s also explicitly feminist and anti-capitalist. Alex believes it is James Cameron’s masterpiece and (heresy!) better than Ridley Scott’s Alien.
Of all the movies movies Katie was forced to watch when she studied cinema – this is the one she’s actually enthusiastic about. M is a 1931 movie by German director Fritz Lang that revolutionized the art form.
So many of the tricks and techniques you see in nearly all modern movies were first used in this one. And you can find the whole movie on YouTube so get watching π
So… a funny thing happened: Our episode where Katie introduced Alex to the EPIC Indian action movie RRR got SUPER popular, so here we follow up on the reactions, share the best comments and hear what Alex thought of it once he got to see it.
BTWs include:
The Hayes Code
The different ways Brits and Americans pronounce Rs
Imagine a movie with no plot, no characters, no actors, no dialogue, no narration, no stunts, no CGI, no special effects and no sound – only super minimalist music. HOW is this movie not a complete boring train wreck?
In this episode, Alex shares his love for a groundbreaking 1980s movie that is utterly beautiful and fascinating and which has inspired so many other works including Madonna music videos, Zach Snyder’s Watchmen and the Grand Theft Auto video game.
BTWs include:
Death of the author
German expressionist cinema
Citizen Kane
How NOT to eat marmite
In the Moment Of Meta, Alex and Katie follow up on Katie’s previous challenge to “say yes” to new adventure and share what happened when they did.
How does this movie even work? A 70-year old grandpa and his wife make the most insane, over-the-top, high octane action movie EVER? Alex has a theory: It works only because EVERY element of it is insane.
RRR (Rise, Roar and Revolt) is a brand-new Indian movie that has Katie VERY enthusiastic because of the insane action, the crazy high energy and the men’s fashions. Just don’t talk to her about whatever it is the women are wearing!
It is a HUGE blockbuster in India and worldwide and you can see it on Netflix right now – but first listen to this episode to hear exactly how awesome it is.
BTWs include:
What is Tollywood and why is it different from Bollywood
Why you should watch RRR with British people
Moment Of Meta
In the Moment Of Meta we talk about an ad that enraged Alex and how to use hobbies as a source of enthusiasm.
STOP! Please do no to listen to this episode before you’ve watched the movie. Seriously. We mean it! The movie is SO GOOD but it’s even better if you go in not knowing ANYTHING about it. So go watch it now and then come back here and se why this is Katie’s new favorite movie.
We will say that it includes Michelle Yeoh in the role of her life! And nothing else.
What a voice. What an incredible musical talent. She came out of total poverty and a life as a Manhattan street child. Ella Ftizgerald – the greatest jazz singer ever?
Hear how she got her greatest hit that time she completely forgot the lyrics to Mack The Knife in Berlin.
BTWs include Chick Webb, racism, Marilyn Monroe and Alex’s new favorite expression for something really quiet.
In the moment of meta Alex talks about letting go of enthusiasms.
How can you not love a hip-hop musical about the American revolution where all the founding fathers are played by people of color???
Katie is not just a fan of Hamilton – she is self-proclaimed Hamiltrash. In this episode she talks about what makes the music so great (obviously!) but also about the huge cultural impact that the show has had.
BTWs include Tom Waits, Encanto and the KGB’s hilariously failed attempt to blackmail the president of Indonesia.
In the moment of meta Alex issues a challenge to Katie and all listeners.